Laser Treatment for Freckles: Is It Safe and Effective?

Laser Treatment for Freckles
Category: Skincare Comments: 0

Freckles are generally harmless, but they can affect our confidence. These small brown spots on the skin don’t look aesthetically appealing, especially on the face.

They are caused by the overproduction of melanin, which happens because of ultraviolet (UV) radiation stimulation. That’s why people with freckles hate going into the sun as it may make their skin condition worse. 

But interestingly the most effective treatment for removing freckles is light-based treatments such as laser lights.

So, is laser treatment for freckles safe, or should we look for other options? In this blog, we’ll try to figure this out and that’s why we advise you to keep reading. 

Is Laser Treatment for Freckles Safe?

As we have discussed, laser treatments are considered best to remove freckles. This means in most cases laser treatment for freckles is safe. 

But, according to some dermatologists, the answer can be yes and no. This is because the success of the treatment depends on factors such as the type, size, and depth of the freckles. 

Laser treatment works smoothly only with light freckles and moles. In contrast, darker and larger freckles may pose challenges. This is because the darker and larger freckles tend to absorb more laser energy, which increases the risk of side effects. That’s why this treatment is only performed by a qualified professional. 

Let me know what can go wrong and what may happen if you choose a rookie dermatologist for your treatment. 

Laser Treatment for Freckles Side Effects 

Those who suffer from freckles wonder how to remove freckles permanently, but unfortunately, it’s impossible. One can only reduce its appearance through effective methods such as laser treatments.

However, like any other medical procedure, it has a risk of side effects which are: 

  • Redness and Swelling – Mild redness and swelling are common after the treatment and they are usually harmless too. They may go away quickly or may take a few months in severe cases. 
  • Pigmentation Issue – In some cases, the patients have to suffer from pigmentation changes in the skin. Laser treatment can darken the skin by causing hyperpigmentation or may lighten it completely by removing the pigment from the surrounding skin.  
  • Itching or Tingling – Many patients report experiencing mild itching and tingling sensations after the treatment. It can be annoying but there’s no need to worry as it will go away after some time. 
  • Burns and Blisters – It is a rare condition but a severe one that happens when the treatment is not done correctly. To prevent this some experts use cooling devices before the treatment.
  • Infection – Getting a major infection is also rare but it can happen and may cause severe issues. The heat from the laser can support the underlying infection such as the herpes virus. 

Apart from these scarring, crusting and eye injury are also some of the side effects of laser treatment for freckles. So, now you must have understood why the answer to the question “Is laser treatment for freckles safe” is both yes and no. That’s why some people prefer opting for alternative treatments to remove freckles.

Alternative for Laser Treatment to Remove Freckles 

Although laser treatment is considered the best to remove freckles, some people rely on another treatment too because of its possible side effects. So, here are some of the alternatives for laser treatment to remove freckles:

1. Chemical Peel

It is another treatment that is considered after laser treatment to get rid of freckles. Chemical peeling exfoliates the sun-damaged skin in a controlled manner that diminishes the appearance of those small brown spots on the skin. For freckles, experts use medium-depth chemical peels that go beyond the surface level of the skin.

2. Cryotherapy

This treatment can be more expensive than the Laser freckle removal cost. It freezes the pigmentation spots on the skin using liquid nitrogen. The liquid nitrogen causes controlled damage to the skin that removes the excess melanin. This as a result reduces the appearance of freckles on the skin.

3. Using Retinoids

Skin experts also prescribe their patient’s creams and gels containing retinoids. It is a form of vitamin A that has powerful anti-aging effects. This compound has the potential to reduce pigmentation as it has positive effects on the collagen production of the body. It not only reduces freckles but also smooths out the skin.

4. Hydroquinone

It is a well-known skin-lightening ingredient that helps people heal and repair sun damage or hyperpigmentation. As freckles are a form of hyperpigmentation, Hydroquinone can be effective for it too. Using the 2% Hydroquinone formula can be a game changer for you. However, don’t use it without taking suggestions from your skin expert as there can be side effects too.

So these were all the alternatives for laser treatment to remove freckles. We haven’t mentioned any natural remedies and this may be bothering you. So, dive into it in the next section. 

How to Remove Freckles Naturally? 

Well, we know that there are no certain ways to get rid of freckles completely. We can only reduce their appearance. Even chemical-based hard products are not able to get rid of them. Yet many people claim that natural products can do the job. 

Honestly speaking nobody knows how true it is as none of them are scientifically proven. But, still one can give them a chance as they cause no harm if used properly.

So here are some of the remedies that you can try: 

  • Applying Lemon Juice Directly to the Skin
  • Using Milk or Sour Cream
  • Mixing coconut water with cold water 
  • Applying aloe vera, especially in the affected area
  • Cocoa butter may also help with freckles

Onion juice remedies are also on the rise these days, you can rely on them too. Keep in mind that even if these remedies work they will take plenty of time to show very little results. That’s why it’s a smart choice to rely on dermatology treatment through a qualified professional.  

Best Dermatology Clinic in Patna to Get Rid of Freckles 

We know that laser removal treatment for freckles has side effects but only if they are not performed correctly. Well, this goes with all the treatments whether it’s chemical peeling or cryotherapy, that’s why you need an experienced expert to do the job.

At Perfect Skin & Hair Solutions Clinic, we provide the best freckle removal treatment in Patna under the wings of Dr. Samina Subuhi (MBBS, MD – Skin & V.D). She holds rich experience in the field of dermatology and is renowned for her unmatched expertise. 

She offers top-quality freckle removal treatment that is 100% safe and tailored to every patient’s needs. Prices at our clinic are also not hard on the patient’s pocket which makes us the top dermatology clinic in Patna


While figuring out whether laser treatment for freckles is safe or not we get to know that it depends on some factors. Usually, lighter freckles are easy to treat with laser treatment but the darker and bigger ones cause some problems. That’s why one should choose a qualified and well-experienced professional for the treatment. 

Dr. Samina Subuhi in Patna is one such expert who is famous in the town for dealing with complex skin issues with ease. She will give you the right freckles removal treatment according to your skin condition.

Her commitment to giving personalized, safe, and effective treatment to every individual keeps her busy. So, hurry up book your appointment today.
